TheSpack DCP

DCP color profiles from TheSpack for Sony Alpha

DCP color profiles, which form the basis of all the most advanced TheSpack packages, play a key role in determining the quality of the file from the moment it is opened. These profiles, which are constantly updated according to the latest technological developments, leverage TheSpack 's extensive development experience to deliver exceptional gamut coverage and color rendition.

TheSpack color profiles are perfectly adapted to customers' needs, optimizing their requirements while maintaining the highest color fidelity. This ensures that colors are always represented accurately and consistently, regardless of the device or platform used.

To deliver the highest color fidelity and optimal performance, TheSpack has developed dedicated color profile packages for specific Sony Alpha cameras. These profiles take advantage of the unique characteristics of each camera to ensure accurate and consistent color rendition in every image.

We recognize that each company, photographer or agency has specific needs in terms of color rendition. For this reason, TheSpack offers the ability to create custom color profiles for any camera. Whether you want to create a profile for a camera not included in the standard packages or modify the color rendition of an existing profile, our team of experts is available to meet your every need.The selection of color profiles TheSpack offers a complete solution to meet the needs of simple and complex development workflows. With a wide range of options available, users can choose the ideal color profile for their specific needs, ensuring high-quality results at every stage of the development process.

The packages TheSpack support the following cameras only:

Sony ILCE-1 (Sony A1)
Sony ILCE-9M3 (Sony A9 III) - Sony ILCE-9M2 (Sony A9 II) - Sony ILCE-9 (Sony A9)
Sony ILCE-7RM5 (Sony A7R V) - Sony ILCE-7RM4 (Sony A7R IV)
Sony ILCE-7M4 (Sony A7 IV)
Sony ILCE-7C2 (Sony A7C II) - Sony ILCE-7CR (Sony A7CR)


This color profile is dedicated to professional photographers, retouchers and agencies. Thanks to its specific characteristics, it preserves hue stability and keeps tones consistent even with variations in exposure or saturation.
These properties ensure that corrections made do not cause unexpected color deviations, providing accurate results.

The Linear Tone Curve allows you to reproduce all the information in the file without compressing it, thus offering a greater margin of control in the development stages in Adobe Camera RAW. In fact, this profile is an ideal starting point for dealing with complex shooting situations and for structuring a customized workflow while preserving the highest quality of information and control over the results.

However, because of its high potential,
requires skill and attention,
as well as the combined use of multiple post-production software
If you are looking for a color profile that provides tonal consistency, complete control and high-quality results, this profile is the perfect solution. With its color stability and ability to keep information intact, it is ideal for projects that require precision and a professional approach.


Due to its characteristics, this DCP color profile maintains hue stability and ensures that tones remain consistent even when exposure or saturation is changed. These qualities ensure that corrections do not cause unexpected color deviations, providing accurate and reliable results.

The tonal curve can be called standard, with typically soft contrast. This setting makes it possible to reproduce a wide range of information, optimizing the legibility of shadows without overdoing the contrast in highlights.

In the development of the profile, a specific desaturation was applied in order to achieve less density in saturated colors and to preserve the softer colors. Thus, being a modified development of the profile with specific features, it is an excellent starting point to combine with curve corrections in Adobe Camera RAW, and is particularly appreciated in portrait photography, where the skin tone remains neutral and bright, without unwanted alterations.

The profile is designed to faithfully reproduce scenes at 5500K, but also performs excellently in more complex situations, where the camera's automatic color temperature provides a reliable reference.

If you're looking for a profile that offers tonal stability and high-quality results in a variety of lighting conditions, this color profile is an ideal choice.


Due to its characteristics, this DCP color profile maintains hue stability and ensures color consistency even with significant variations in saturation. This means that corrections do not lead to unexpected color deviations, thus reducing color fluctuation.

The tone curve can be called "effective," since it reflects the contrast recorded during file analysis. It is created specifically for each camera using professional metering tools, which allows the entire tonal range of the sensor to be faithfully reproduced from the moment the profile is created.

Unlike flat or low-contrast curves, this curve offers a result that faithfully corresponds to the content of the file, but with a fuller, more contrasty rendition.

This profile is versatile and can be used in a variety of situations, providing a solid foundation for those who want to keep their workflow intact. It is especially suitable for professional photographers and retouchers who seek color consistency and a wide tonal range, offering an accurate representation of what is captured by the camera sensor.

If you are looking for a color profile that will provide stability and reliable results, this profile is an ideal choice.

Smart Standard

Thanks to its unique features, this DCP color profile preserves hue stability and keeps tones consistent even with significant variations in exposure. This ensures that the corrections made do not produce unexpected deviations in the colors, providing accurate and reproducible results.

The tonal curve of this profile is called a digital standard, which means it matches the level of contrast considered in the creation of commonly used color profiles.

Over the years, this profile has become the most popular, gaining acclaim in all areas of photography. In this case, the new formulation not only improves its color rendition but also offers an additional level of control, as it preserves tonal consistency even when exposure varies, making it ideal for situations such as events and extreme lighting conditions.

If you are looking for a color profile that offers color stability, reliability and flexibility, this profile is the perfect choice. With its ability to maintain color fidelity and ensure predictable results, it is a great foundation for any photographer working with Adobe Camera RAW, Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Lightroom.

Photo Standard

This color profile was created specifically for those who need high-impact images with bright colors.
It is particularly suitable for sports and landscape photography, as it not only aims to maintain color stability as saturation and exposure change also allows for a perceptual approach to image development.

The tonal curve of this profile has a strong contrast in the shadows and highlights, offering an experience closer to that of a slide film than traditional digital color profiles. This feature gives photographs a dynamic and vivid look, perfect for capturing the energy of sporting events or the grandeur of landscapes.

To create this profile, specific changes were made to the saturation table and to the behavior of the profile itself in different density areas in order to make it suitable for creating more saturated images.

If you are looking for a color profile that allows you to add drama and depth to your photographs, this profile is the ideal choice. Its high versatility makes it perfect for photographers who want a more creative approach and are not afraid to experiment to achieve bold, engaging images.

Black & White

The black and white color profile is not a simple desaturation of the standard color profile, but rather a product created from scratch, based on a completely different reference. Its main characteristic is to behave similarly to the panchromatic films that have marked the history of black-and-white photography.

Unlike digital black-and-white sensors or desaturated color profiles, this profile not only considers colors based on density, but also based on saturation and chromaticity, thus giving it a unique and distinctive character, far from the classic look of digital black-and-white.

In this version it offers a flat, low-density image, requiring user intervention through the use of curves and contrasts. However, this also represents its strength: it allows the user to fully customize the tonal range, making it adaptable to all photographic needs.

If you are looking for a black and white color profile that reproduces the authentic effect of panchromatic films, but with the flexibility of digital, this profile is the ideal choice. Its versatility allows you to create images with a wide range of tones, from the softest and gentlest to the strongest and most contrasty effect, offering results tailored to your photographic style.

Black & White FLAT

The Black & White flat color profile offers an additional working basis for those who want to get the most out of their digital camera. Like the Black & White profile, it is not a simple desaturation of the standard color profile, but a completely new product created from a different reference. Its main characteristic is its behavior similar to that of high-acutance panchromatic films, which have left an indelible mark on the history of black-and-white photography. Unlike digital black-and-white sensors or desaturated color profiles, this profile not only evaluates colors based on density, but also on saturation and chromaticity, giving it a unique and distinctive look, far from the classic digital black-and-white.

This flat version offers an extremely flat image with discrete density, capable of reproducing a wide range of tonal transitions. It is as close as you can get to a monochrome negative in digital format, thus allowing you to make all kinds of changes through color corrections and filters, just as you would with film.

If you are looking for a black and white profile that offers flexibility and a wide tonal range, this flat color profile is the ideal option. Its ability to adapt to any need and undergo detail alterations makes it perfect for photographers who want to experiment and gain maximum control over their black and white shots.


The use of structured, evolved DCP color profiles is not the panacea to file development. They are a starting point that, depending on the shooting situation or the specific needs of the user, allows for maximum potential in development. All profiles are different from each other and are intended for simple or articulated and complex use according to the needs of each photographer. They are born to complement each other and improve the quality and control of development, to simplify the steps and achieve saturations or pastel tints recorded by the sensor but not obtainable with traditional profiles. Being a product intended for multiple users, it is not a solution for everyone and may, in specific cases, require modification or adaptation to one's workflow.
Thanks to the expertise developed over the years, we are able to customize each individual product by virtue of needs and/or systems that require specific calibrations. We are also able to develop solutions for software other than the Adobe packages for both DCP and ICC workflows.
This proposition is our standard that has met with the satisfaction of multiple photographers over the years and we offer in a series of packages intended for a wide audience.