
Courage is the placing of the mind beyond the finite, into the world of the subconscious,
forcing reality to conform to one's thinking.
Simone Bassani

I wrote this sentence in 1987 thinking about how humans limit their vision because of their fear of the reality around them.

Today Artificial Intelligence allows us to overcome these barriers and creatively push us beyond the unknown. Experimentation and research is an empirical path that is based on creative but reproducible canons, despite this the unknown is always present and however imponderable it may take over.
Thanks to the application of Fuzzy Logic in the industrial world, it has been possible to implement new solutions that have pushed us to the dawn of an era in which, complex systems, analyze instructions on a multiple database generating evolved responses as close to the demands as possible.

The evolution of this world will be exponential and we are ready to support it thanks to our studies, training and experience.

Generative Artificial Intelligence is both a useful and complex tool. There is a tendency to believe that, through a "sentient" digital system, it is possible to achieve any result required: but this is not the case!

Using a generative tool, no matter how advanced it may be, means getting carried away into a world of interpretations and tastes that differ from our own.

In fact, AI systems rely on a large number of references on which they draw and, therefore, may not correspond to our taste or what we intend to request.

Most of the time, however, it is possible to intervene by limiting interpretations and modifications to the subjects we intend to recreate. However, this does not prevent even minimal modification of some elements that are sometimes essential to a subject.

Imagine having to ask a generative system to recreate an image of a specific product without altering it. As much as it is possible to limit the interpretation of the scene, the software will still make some changes, sometimes imperceptible, other times strongly altering the uniqueness of the product.

Therefore, it is important to understand how the term "generative" is misleading; it is more logical to use a suitable term: Interpretive.

Systems at AI are indeed free to interpret and create new ideas by virtue of the guidance provided. They are open systems that require an innovative approach and can open the doors to communication for many companies that do not have the budgets to develop photorealistic 3D environments.

In addition to this, modern systems make it possible to merge images generated in AI with photographic images, create fusions, modifications and interpolations such that the quality of the files is increased to unthinkable sizes.

These tools are useful and fundamental if and only if there is an intention to "create" communication and not submit to the iron dictates of personal tastes.

Artificial intelligence merges with the creativity of the artist who directs it in order to develop new ideas and solutions suitable for communication and experimentation.