
The world is based on interaction, and communication, whether virtual or real is always a thread that stretches between two individuals and carries a message. This does not always have to be truthful, clear and straightforward. Sometimes it can be abstract, sometimes empirical, and sometimes scintillating.

Man Ray wrote that he turned to photography because as a painter he was unable to take the portraits he desired. We all choose a medium that extends our way of seeing the world, of communicating it, of making it part of our message.

Being a photographer means this but also much more. It is not enough to communicate with a personal stylistic figure; above all, one must adapt to the client's needs, understand their requirements and connect with their audience.

Photography includes perception, language, semantics, style, craftsmanship and technique. It is not an impromptu creation that arises from the fashion of a moment, it is a complex visual language that adapts to the individual interlocutor.